An apple a day may keep the doctor away — but for when it doesn’t, there’s the HSA.
Key Features
Tax Advantages1
Pays Interest
Free Digital Banking
- $10 minimum deposit to open
- Greater personal control over healthcare management and expenses
- Prepare for qualified medical expenses
- An HSA provides triple tax savings:
- Tax deductions when you contribute to your account
- Tax-free earnings through investment
- Tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical, dental, vision expenses, and more1
- Contributions are tax-free and can be made by you, your employer, or a third party
- Funds can be withdrawn at any time2
- No monthly service fee
- No minimum balance requirements
- Unlimited check writing
- Check images with your paper statement or eStatement
- Free Contactless Mastercard® debit card
- Free digital banking, including:
- Digital Banking
- Bill Pay
- Mobile Banking (wireless carrier data rates may apply)
- Mobile Deposit
- eStatements
- Unused funds remain in account year after year; no "use it or lose it" policy
- Keep your HSA in your name, regardless of career or life changes
- Federally insured by FDIC
- $20 annual maintenance fee applies
Security — Your high-deductible insurance and HSA protect you against high or unexpected medical bills
Affordability — You should be able to lower your health insurance premiums by switching to health insurance coverage with a higher deductible
Flexibility — You can use the funds in your account to pay for current medical expenses, including expenses that your insurance may not cover, or save the money in your account for future needs, such as:
- Health insurance or medical expenses if unemployed
- Medical expenses after retirement (before Medicare)
- Out-of-pocket expense when covered by Medicare
- Long-term care expenses and insurance
Savings — You can save the money in your account for future medical expenses and grow your account through investment earnings
Control — You make all the decisions about:
- How much money to put into the account
- Whether to save the account for future expenses or pay current medical expenses
- Which medical expenses to pay from the account
- Which company will hold the account
- Whether to invest any of the money in the account
- Which investments to make
Portability — Accounts are completely portable, meaning you can keep your HSA even if you:
- Change jobs
- Change your medical coverage
- Become unemployed
- Move to another state
- Change your marital status
Ownership — Funds remain in the account from year to year, just like an IRA. There are no “use it or lose it” rules for HSAs.
Tax Savings — An HSA provides you triple tax savings:1
- Tax deductions when you contribute to your account;
- Tax-free earnings through investment; and,
- Tax-free withdrawals for qualified medical expenses.
If you would like additional information about Health Savings Accounts, including answers to frequently asked questions, related IRS forms and publications, technical guidance, and links to other helpful web sites visit
To open a Health Savings Account (HSA) please stop by any of our locations or contact us.
Any adult can contribute to an HSA if they:
- Have coverage under an HSA-qualified “high deductible health plan” (HDHP)
- Have no other first-dollar medical coverage (other types of insurance like specific injury insurance for accident, disability, dental care, vision care, or long-term care insurance are permitted)
- Are not enrolled in Medicare
- Cannot be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return
Contributions to your HSA can be made by you, your employer, or both. However, the total contributions are limited annually. If you make a contribution, you can deduct the contributions (even if you do not itemize deductions) when completing your federal income tax return.
Contributions to the account must stop once you are enrolled in Medicare. However, you can keep the money in your account and use it to pay for medical expenses tax-free.
1Consult a tax advisor.
2You can withdraw funds at any time for any purpose. However, if funds are withdrawn for reasons other than qualified medical expenses, the amount withdrawn will be included as taxable income, and is subject to a 10% penalty.